Hello, I’m Kevin Reynaufal, Back-end Web Developer and
Discord Bot Developer Based in Indonesia.

I am a Web Developer

I love Laravel Framework

I develop Discord Bots

About Me

Hello! I'm Kevin Reynaufal, a passionate backend web developer and Discord bot enthusiast based in Bandung, Indonesia. With a relentless drive for crafting efficient and innovative web solutions, I aim to contribute to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

My dream as a programmer is to create technology that not only solves problems but also enhances the way we live and work. I aspire to be at the forefront of technological advancements, pushing boundaries and leaving a positive mark on the world through my coding endeavors.

Open to new challenges, I am actively seeking opportunities to apply my skills, learn, and collaborate on exciting projects. If you are looking for a dedicated and adaptable developer, I would love to connect and discuss how I can contribute to your team or project.

2019 - 2022
Telkom Bandung Vocational High School
Enrolled in a comprehensive curriculum with a major focus on Computer and Network Engineering. Studied a wide range of subjects, including network protocols, hardware architecture, and software development.
2022 - 2023
Online Courses
Completed courses on web development and Linux. Also, actively participated in the Digital Talent Scholarship program (Ministry of Communication and Informatics) as a Junior Web Developer.
2022 - Present
STMIK Amik Bandung
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Information Technology. Engaging in an academic program covering advanced coursework in programming, databases, and IT infrastructure.
2021 - 2021
Field Work Practice
Completed a fieldwork practice at SMK Telkom Bandung, involving the creation of an e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
2022 - Present
Engaged in freelance work, specializing in website development and Discord bot development. Additionally, offering services to assist with various IT-related tasks.
Technical Proficiency
  • Frontend Web Development
  • Backend Web Development
  • API Development
  • Server-Side Scripting
  • Programming (e.g., Python, Node.js)
Coding Proficiency
  • HTML / CSS
  • PHP / MySQL
  • JavaScript (Front-end)
  • Node.js (Back-end)
  • Frontend Web Development
  • Backend Web Development
  • API Integration
  • Discord Bot Development
  • Database Management
  • Server-Side Scripting
  • Software Architecture
  • Problem-Solving in Code
  • Git Version Control